Jalapeño Cheese Muffins

Okay guys, I’m sowwie! I know it’s been a while since I last blogged! I shall now hang my head down in shame for the next…… minute…….. Alright, minute over! Anyway, I find it hard to believe that we’re already living in the month of June! How did half the year go by without me…

Low-Calorie Banana Loaf Bread + Banana Bread Samwiches

There’s a million banana bread recipes you can find online most of which use margarine, butter or vegetable oil. If you aren’t yet aware, there’s a substitute that’s much lower in calories. And that, my friends… is APPLESAUCE. This is my second time posting up a banana loaf recipe. After reading Lisa’s blog, I was…

My Cornbread Experiment

A largely popular dish especially in Southern United States and Mexico, cornbread is an easy and delicious staple for many. For myself, I love it as a dessert! In this post I explore the various cornbread recipes! Directions are very straightforward and similar for all three recipes. First, combine dry ingredients (sifted) in one bowl…

I’m Going Bananas on Monkey Island!

I promise you that these are edible for homo sapiens too! They’re also chimply delicious. 😉 I’ve had this obsession with Banana Bread since forever and I thought it’d be cute to put a monkey’s face on one! However, I started off with perfecting my banana bread with Brad before I turned them into muffins!…