Peanut Butter Ramen

When we think peanut butter, we usually think desserts, but there’s a whole lot of savoury food you can make with peanut butter too! Satay, for example, is one of them. So what about peanut butter ramen? The combination may sound strange at first, but it’s actually pretty much like satay! Peanut Butter Ramen 1/4…

Brown “Nasi” Lemak

The word “lemak” in Nasi Lemak means fat / creamy; both of which are probably what one would avoid when preparing for a wedding. Having grown up in Southeast Asia, I absolutely love all things coconut, and the creamy coconut-ty rice in Nasi Lemak is probably my favourite type of rice (next to chicken rice)….

Almond Pear Tart

We’re not quite on lockdown mode yet as with some countries already are. Malls, bars and attractions are still opened, with caution of a 250 people capacity limit. Who knows when this may change, as with the constant breaking news you hear from all around the world. Because in the world of epidemiology, time moves…

Mango Sticky Oatmeal

A healthier take on the classic Thai dessert, this Mango Sticky Oatmeal is the epitome of un-monotonous oatmeal and mindful eating. I absolutely adore mango sticky rice and it is highly possible that I continuously exceed the imaginary quota an average human being should consume in their lifetime. Its simple yet rich flavours capture my…

Pumpkin Hummus

‘Tis the season of the pumpkins. This year, instead of a rich and creamy pumpkin cheesecake, or a chocolate chip pumpkin muffin, I decided to opt for a much simpler yet healthy option. Did you know that although most hummus is made with chickpeas, you could also make this with beans? In this recipe, I…

Lemon Barley Drink

If you’ve been following my blog, you would notice that I do not have a single recipe for beverage. Why? There is simply nothing that would deter my appetite when it comes to eating. However, I must say I’m not a big drinker. Here are the drinks that I tend to have on a regular…

Low-Calorie Banana Loaf Bread + Banana Bread Samwiches

There’s a million banana bread recipes you can find online most of which use margarine, butter or vegetable oil. If you aren’t yet aware, there’s a substitute that’s much lower in calories. And that, my friends… is APPLESAUCE. This is my second time posting up a banana loaf recipe. After reading Lisa’s blog, I was…

2-Ingredient Crepe

Really? Just 2?! YES, REALLY. And no, I’m not referring to “pancake mix and milk”. I’ve discovered possibly the easiest crepe recipe that you could make even with your eyes closed. (okay, maybe one eye closed) Best of all, not only is it high in protein, I bet that you would probably already have the 2…

My Cornbread Experiment

A largely popular dish especially in Southern United States and Mexico, cornbread is an easy and delicious staple for many. For myself, I love it as a dessert! In this post I explore the various cornbread recipes! Directions are very straightforward and similar for all three recipes. First, combine dry ingredients (sifted) in one bowl…

I’m Going Bananas on Monkey Island!

I promise you that these are edible for homo sapiens too! They’re also chimply delicious. 😉 I’ve had this obsession with Banana Bread since forever and I thought it’d be cute to put a monkey’s face on one! However, I started off with perfecting my banana bread with Brad before I turned them into muffins!…