Sinful Chocolate Cake

Happy Halloween everyone! It’s candy season! And when you say candy…. I think… chocolate bars! And that.. is what Halloween is awesome for. “Not a big fan of chocolate.” Have you ever heard anyone say that? I’ll probably roll my eyes and shudder when I hear something so preposterous. I still consider the statement to…

My Little Easter Basket-Weave Cake

This easter I was egg-specting to see hot cross buns sold in bakeries, easter bunnies in the malls and other hoppy-looking decorations. I didn’t quite carrot all that I wasn’t in North America. Easter HAD to be internationally celebrated in at least some ways! After all, the Easter Bunny is almost as famous as Santa there….

Aspiring Bakers #27 Through Thick and Thin – Kue Lapis Classics Roundup!

Hi Everyone!! So here’s the moment we have been waiting for…. a compilation of delicious home-baked Kue Lapis! Thank you for your hard work and gorgeous submissions! I know these cakes can be quite laborious, so great job to all! Especially those who are making lapis for the first time! 🙂 I’m extremely impressed with…

“Heart-Shaped” Lapis Legit Gulung

FURTHER EXTENSION for Aspiring Bakers: Hi guys! I received multiple emails from a few bloggers who would like to submit their entries so I’m going to extend the deadline a little more! Some of us have relatives overseas and CNY has been keeping us very occupied with visiting our families! I definitely wouldn’t want to…

Kue Lapis Surabaya Moka – Spiku Moka

Kuning, Coklat, Kuning (Yellow, Brown, Yellow) That was how my friend described this cake because of its distinct recognizable colours. Kue Lapis Surabaya, also known as Spiku, is another classic Indonesian layered cake that is a lot easier to make than Lapis Legit. Named after the city, Surabaya, this cake is almost just as popular…

Aspiring Bakers #27: Through Thick and Thin – Kue Lapis Classics

Update: Hi everyone! We are extending the deadline for this challenge to February 21st! Thank you! It is my honour to announce that Sweet Samsations is once again hosting the Aspiring Bakers event! Previously I hosted April 2012’s “Layers of Love”. This month, it is a special kind of layered cake that we will be…

Aspiring Bakers #18: Layers of Love (April 2012) – Roundup

At last, here is the long-awaited round up for Aspiring Bakers #18 Layers of Love. I’m sure most of you are eager to see the wonderful cakes created by our creative fellow bloggers. They are stunning and gorgeous! This is definitely a bookmark-worthy page where you’ll find awesome recipes for layered cakes! In total I…

Mango Cheesecake Cheesecake with Coconut Macaroon

No! This isn’t a typo! This cake DOES comprise of TWO different cheesecakes! I think I have an affinity with mangos and coconuts. I don’t know what it is about them, but they are just one of the most divine combinations ever!! Don’t look at me! I’m not the only one who thinks so! Another…

Layered Orange Chiffon Cake with Ganache

Here’s an incomparably light and tasty cake, the chiffon! I love chiffon cakes because of its soft and moist texture, and its ability to retain it even after being refrigerated. This added lightness is given by the use of vegetable oil in place of butter. It was discovered by a Hollywood insurance salesman Harry Baker,…

8-Layered Double-Crusted Red Velvet Cheesecake

Enjoyed for over half a century, the Red Velvet Cake has been popular to this day. There’s something about this New Yorker cake that we go head over heels for. In some cases, I do agree that the Red Velvet is an overrated chocolate cake with a lot of red dye. But nonetheless, how can…

Aspiring Bakers #18: Layers of Love (April 2012)

It is with great pleasure that I announce that I will be hosting Aspiring Bakers’ 18th Baking Event. The theme for this month will be Layered Cakes!! Aspiring Bakers is a monthly baking event meant to encourage and ASPIRE bakers to bake according to a new theme each month. I suggested a layered cake theme, because…

Indonesian Thousand Layer Cake: Kue Lapis Legit

    UPDATE: Please also see tips and a different recipe of Kue Lapis Legit in my later post. I DID IT!           I actually made the legendary classic Kue Lapis Legit! I’ve always loved this cake ever since I was a little girl and admired its layers upon layers of beauty!…